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Reddit Ask Me Anything ( AMA) of Bill Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

We've contextually curated the conversations from Bill Gates' fifth Reddit AMA. image credit:...
Jatin Chaudhary curated this conversation as a part of above story

Do you think social media - and perhaps the internet in general - has played a role in helping divide this country?

Hey Bill! I have a question pertaining to an issue in the U.S. and it's one that we're all get sick of hearing.

Do you think social media - and perhaps the internet in general - has played a role in helping divide this country?

Instead of expanding knowledge and obtaining greater understandings of the world, many people seem to use it to

1) seek and spread information - including false information - confirming their existing biases and beliefs, and

2) converse and interact only with others who share their worldview
(these are things I'm guilty of doing myself)

Follow up q: What steps should we take to help bridge this social, cultural, economic, educational and regional divide?