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MIT Technology Review's EmTechAsia : where technology, business, and culture converge.

MIT Technology Review's EmTechAsia : where technology, business, and culture converge. It’s the s...
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Day 2 : Cultured Beef: A Marriage of Medical Technology with Food Technology

Cultured Beef: A Marriage of Medical Technology with Food Technology

Meat demand is expected to rise by 70% in the next 35 years due to global population growth and increase in wealth of emerging countries. To ensure food security and to diminish the environmental and animal welfare burden of current livestock beef production, Mark and his team envisioned an alternative by culturing meat from bovine muscle stem cells. In August 2013 they presented the proof of concept by producing, cooking and eating a hamburger from cultured beef. In addition to the process technology, they also started to investigate consumer acceptance by studying what meat means to people and why it is so difficult to become a vegetarian. Will the meaning of meat change if there are ethically superior alternatives? Cultured beef is a multifaceted subject that will provide insight into many fascinating biological and psychological questions. At the same time, we urgently need to find solutions for the upcoming issues with livestock beef production.

Mark Post, Chair of Physiology, Team Lead, Cultured Beef, Maastricht University