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Session 2: Radical repatterning

Session 2: Radical repatterning Hosted by Chris Anderson. image credit : @mccnms ps: Th...
Jatin Chaudhary curated this conversation as a part of above story

Adam Savage, Maker, Critical Thinker

Adam Savage, the host of "MythBusters" on the Discovery Channel, is a longtime special-effects artist and a minor obsessive.

As his official MythBusters bio puts it, "Adam Savage has spent his life gathering skills that allow him to take what's in his brain and make it real." He worked as a special­-effects artist, fabricator, modelmaker and general dreamer-­upper for a decade and a half, working on films such as Galaxy Quest and the Matrix sequels, as well as Episodes I and II of the Star Wars series.

In 2002, he and his fellow movie-industry veteran Jamie Hyneman became the hosts of MythBusters, a Discovery Channel show that puts urban myths and rules of thumb to test in visceral, often hilarious ways. Behind the sheer awesomeness of their rocket cars and flaming projectiles, the MythBusters are a force for science education.

Savage also co­hosts Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project, a podcast discussion tackling a grab bag of topics (but often focused on films and entertainment).

Adam has multiple hobbies and is passionate about restoring his vintage four­wheel drive vehicle, and researching and accruing new pieces for his movie prop collection. But his true love is his family. He lives with his wife, twin boys, and their two amazing dogs.

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