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Stream India 2016

Stream India 2016 Stream India is the WPP (un)conference for (un)conventional thinkers. Hos...
Jatin Chaudhary curated this conversation as a part of above story

Day 2 : Updates from various sessions

Stream India 2016 will begin at 4pm on Wednesday 17 February and will finish after breakfast on Saturday 20 February.

The venue is a 45 minute drive from Jaipur Airport at the Fairmont Hotel.

As an (un)conference – the schedule is very loose.

The majority of each day is taken up with Discussion sessions. Lasting 50-mins each, Discussions are organised and led by participants, around topics of their choice.

With six sessions happening each day – and as many as ten sessions happening simultaneously – there are nearly a hundred different sessions at Stream India.

In addition to the serious content, each day starts with sports and ends with an evening show – created and presented by the participants.

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