People: So you're a writer?

Me: Yes... so?

People: What do you basically do? 

Me: I connect writers and readers online and offline.

People: That's hardly a business proposition!

Me: Who talked about business? This is passion!

Reading for me is something like breathing, taking in lung full of fresh words, soaking them into my system and feeling free in my world of words. For the life of me, I really don't remember when I didn't read. It maybe an obsession but until now I felt I was one of the rare species on the earth to engage into reading. Wanting to connect with people who shared the same passion as me was tough - not because there aren't people around like me but I didn't look around properly. A few months back, I wondered whether the habit or 'hobby' of reading isn't pursued seriously until I stumbled upon a few people around and I felt better. Wanting to connect more with such people was something I always wanted to do and then Neha Thakur (Co-Founder, FlapApp) added me to the WhatsApp Group of readers. My journey began and in midst of meetings and ideating "Rising Litera" was born. Caffeinated Conversations are its offline component. 

The group is growing stronger each day with 50+ members and its enriching me in ways I could never fathom.

- I can share books (save money) and yet read

- I can enjoy reviews shared by Rising Fellows

- I can enjoy stimulating conversations over a cup of coffee (both offline and online)

- I can dare to dream of reading more than I could ever imagine

- I can do more than I can imagine in this lifetime ---- all because I can Read!

#RisingLitera #RisingAbove

Babusha Yagnik and Shini Nair - animated conversations
Rupa Shah (Right) a passionate educationist and avid reader
With Mana Shah (lavander shirt) and Shini Nair having caffeinated conversations
With Jatin Chaudhary (Founder of eChai Ventures and Vinita Rathore, a student and aspiring writer
With Shreeja Menon, a newbie mom and an avid reader
Just like her smile that warms up the cockles of our heart, Shivani is an English educator.